Sunday, December 2, 2012

seriously, I'll never done with red.

Red color has been really obsessed with me from the start, I just can't handle for it's madness towards me. I am serious. 

It's really tough for me not to go anywhere with red lipstick, because obviously I am pale. People who just have known me often asking me about my look, did I get ill or somewhat? I was like ''what? ask my mom'' because I get that a lot. Believe me you won't love to see me in the dark, I scares so many people in my life including my roommate/sister, often. There's this girl who'd asked me a strange questions, because I've never encountered with questions like these. 'what brand of lotion you're using?', 'are you taking vitamins?' ( I am pale so obviously I'd never take any vitamins for my skin ), ' what kind of facial cleanser your using?'. enough laughing. Obviously, I hate being under the sun.  I have this really weird obsessions and let's say I can't live without lotion, because I hate when my skin feels really dry I just can't live with it. I'd lived with random kind of lotions in my life, Johnson baby the most. I never take any vitamins for my skin, my mom forbids me to do that, I am already pale, I don't want it to get more worst. I'm in trial with oxy products, I haven't sure if it's working on my sensitive faces, just in case if I'm compatible with it I'll just go on with it. I used random facial cleanser like olay,clean & clear,avon before, but I got bored so easily. Seriously, I've never satisfied of anything I purchased, I have many tiny stubborn blackheads all over my face which is really bothering, so I just bought them to feel 'if this works then good, but if it doesn't, I'll just replace it with another one'. So be happy with your skin, with what you have and with what God's has given you.

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