Thursday, November 29, 2012

meet our baby.

Isn't it just so adorable? I first met Chiceep at my boyfriend house and now it’s officially mine as he gave me this adorable creature last 22nd of November as a present, how cute. I let Chiceep sleepover in my bedroom the first night, I put it in a medium sizes box together with veges and water for shelter, then things got funny when it jumped up to our bed, I thought it was something else, it really scares me at first but found out it was Chiceep I joined to play and stroked it’s head, I can’t stand for its cuteness. It was my boyfriend and his siblings who chose its name, because it looks like a chipmunks and its fur are so far unique from its other siblings. We haven’t sure about the gender because clearly we haven’t check it, it’s covered up by its fur so it’s really hard to examine them hahaha Chiceep just can’t stop waggles around and make that scratching noise scratching the box here and there, it bothered me so much the first night but also its existence has brighten my day and night. My boyfriend and I treat Chiceep like our own child, I kissed it goodnight before I went to sleep and it knows how to have my attention. Chiceep was like stalking from its window and that innocent faces of this beautiful creature melts my heart, so much. Whenever Chiceep heard voices of us it will stood with it’s cute paws held high as if it wants to join us. I have to transfer Chiceep to a new ‘room’ because I can’t keep it in my bedroom forever, so I begged my father to ‘build’ Chiceep a new room and he had to improvise anything he can to build Chiceep a room. It wasn't very pretty and a tad small too but it won’t be long, mummy promise would build a new comfortable, large, luxury and heavenly room for you soon, baby. I will always love Chiceep for as long as I can breathe, it saddens me so hard to have it let its mummy and siblings go for me. But I can and always will take real good care of Chiceep and will sometimes have it reunite with its family @ my boyfriend home. When Chiceep gets a little older, I will try my best to find the beyond best partner for Chiceep. Pinky promises. Thank you so most dear for this adorable present,  a very sweet of you. I have no clue but I'm in love with this adorable creature

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