Wednesday, January 2, 2013

here we go again

It's my first day of my second semester and I already hate it. I guess I'm still in my holiday mode, this sounds crazy to some because we already had so much time to be wasted but I'm still not done with it. I still have to do it for my future, it'll worth for something someday. So I hadn't done anything fun this morning, I just spent a nombres of time chit-chatting with my friends and dozed off. I'm not comfortable with the surroundings, with many human being around me, I feel like ''Gosh damn I need air, this isn't my place''. There's so much things I really hate about at school today, and the weather isn't helping. I was thinking the whole time, like I can't wait to get home and get shower, I want to wear something comfortable than this stupid uniform. I can't wait for my pre-university graduation and I already have some plan for my future. I'm gonna work hard for that, I promise. I'm off for some movies or having a dead sleep not nap.

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